IOS Supplies Commercial Door Openings for New Jewish Cultural Center
The Jewish Federation of Greater Naples celebrated the grand opening of the Nina Iser Jewish Cultural Cetner on January 15th, 2023. The new 20,000 square foot facility will be a community resource for more than 10,000 members throughout Greater Naples. Members will utilize the building for recreation, cultural programs, as well as small and large group gatherings. The construction project was led by DeAngelis Diamond. Leadership of the construction team selected IOS Naples to supply 75 commercial door openings for the project.
IOS Naples supplied commercial grade hollow metal doors, welded hollow metal frames, wood doors, and hardware for the new build. Due to unique design factors, IOS Naples was given the challenge of combining our wood doors with aluminum frames that were ordered by other suppliers. The IOS team was able to design and implement a solution that met all project requirements.