Openings for Ivanhoe Gardens Apartments

Deadbolt Installation for Ivanhoe Apartments – Kansas City, MO

Deadbolt installation is a critical step in enhancing security for multifamily properties. At Ivanhoe Apartments in Kansas City, IOS furnished and installed 160 FE Interconnected Deadbolts, providing residents with reliable, high-quality protection.

Client: CB Constructs
Suppliers: Allegion, Schlage
Scope of Work: Furnish & Install 160 FE Interconnected Deadbolts

Project Overview:
Integrated Openings Solutions (IOS) partnered with CB Constructs to enhance security at Ivanhoe Apartments in Kansas City. Our team furnished and installed 160 FE Interconnected Deadbolts from industry-leading supplier Schlage, ensuring a reliable and secure access solution for residents.

Challenges & Solutions:
Managing access control in multifamily properties requires a balance of security, convenience, and efficiency. By leveraging our expertise and high-quality Allegion hardware, we delivered a solution that meets modern security standards while maintaining ease of use for residents and property managers.

✔ Improved security and access management
✔ Seamless installation process
✔ Durable, high-performance locking solutions